

Movie Information

Iskra (the name translates to “spark”) wakes up in a black, soot-covered apartment. She opens the balcony door to let in a glimpse of light. Stuck inside, she cleans the blackness away all day while her grandfather, obsessed with the past, burns documents and old newspapers all night. New soot settles on the walls and Iskra wakes up to another day of cleaning. Her only friend is a chicken, who lives on the balcony and lays walnuts. While feeding it, Iskra takes notice of a young man in the courtyard. He shows up at her apartment the next day. Grandfather throws him out but the young man’s arrival, awakens a longing for the outside world inside Iskra and she starts dreaming of breaking free from her dull routine. But another day of cleaning awaits.
Director: Unknown
Years: Tahun rilis tidak tersedia